Thursday, April 28, 2016

IELTS Writing Task 2 for IELTS Academic Test and for IELTS General Test

Here we have a sample question relating to IELTS writing Task 2 and a sample answer. You are advised that you do practice writing yourselves different essays prior to IELTS test so that you will be better equipped while answering in IELTS Task 2.

This is a sample essay and it can be written by different people in different ways. IELTS Task 2 will examine your writing ability with respect to generation of coherent ideas by using standard academic English. The same question can be answered by different people in many different ways. If you do not agree with our ideas, or with our views, we suggest that you write a new essay and send us so that we get to know about your thought process, your opinions on the subject. Please keep in mind that you must write at least 250 words while answering the question in IELTS Writing Task 2.

Before you answer your question, you should read the question properly and if required, twice or thrice. It will help you to understand what exactly you need to answer/write.

Here we have a sample question and a sample essay.

Question No. 1: Despite advances in medicine there are concerns that certain diseases such as diabetes are increasing and some people believe future generations will face greater problems with health and die younger than we do today. What is your opinion?

When it comes to the issue of health of future generations, I have a different opinion. My opinion is different because I think that the future generation is going to live a long and healthy life. This , I think, is going to be possible due to the fact that the scientific community has achieved huge success in the field of medicine and that will go a long way to augment the life of common men and women in a long run.

The fact that everyone needs to be accepted today is that the science of medicine has progressed dramatically over the last century. The progress in the field of medicine has brought a lot of positive consequences to our health, life and the standard of living. The invention of modern medicine has helped us to eradicate some of the deadly diseases from the world. Today, our infants are injected different doses of vaccines which help them to protect from serious diseases. This has led to overall health life of human beings. Now, there is no fear of a person getting paralyzed due to the diseases of early age. This is something the human beings should be proud of as they have achieved an unbelievable feat to secure the lives of human beings.

 However, I am not unaware of many diseases which are getting discovered everyday by the scientific community. The new incidence of unheard illness is certainly the matter of great concern for inhabitants of this planet. Such incident sometimes raises a genuine question if our generation is indeed safer from the previous one. In response to such doubts, I have my own strong belief that time and again the humans have been tested with different problems and calamities. In all such situations, the humans have emerged as a victorious and have sometimes, even managed to snatch lives from the jaws of death. For example, we have been able to discover different medicine for AIDS, Cancer, diabetes etc. It is to be noted here that we have failed so far to create pills and tablets which can fully cure some of the diseases from the list of examples above but it should not go unnoticed that the medicine that we have today against AIDS, Cancer etc. have reduced the sufferings of human beings and have certainly, helped to increase the life of the patients. So, such discoveries and inventions reinforce my belief that the world of medicine is going to grow by leaps and bounds thereby, assisting us to live a great life ahead.

Before I conclude, I wish to place on record that there are people who have raised concerns of side effects of fast food. Though such concerns are not trifle in nature, the increase of competitive sports culture for example, city marathons, city bicycling etc. will help the people to be in shape and provides stamina to fight against the possible problems of overweight.

Finally, I would like to conclude my essay with a word of caution. The planet is no doubt, going to be a better place to live and the scientists are working towards it. However, every individual must be responsible to maintain his good health by being conscious towards his foods, drinks and exercises.

Question No. 2: Despite advances in medicine there are concerns that certain diseases such as diabetes are increasing and some people believe future generations will face greater problems with health and die younger than we do today. What is your opinion?

Paragraph# I:
It is true that the scientific community has achieved a great success in invention of modern medicine which has been quite effective to treat numerous diseases around the world. However, this has not guaranteed that all our medical problems have been solved. In fact, I believe that there are myriad of problems those lay ahead of us and they will have a key role in deciding the average life span of human beings.

Paragraph# II:
First of all, I believe that the people from the third world will live for more years in the future than they do today. This seems to be the plausible scenario on the light of the fact that many deadly diseases have been eradicated from the poor third world regions. In general, the living standards, and the condition of human lives are on the upward trajectory in those areas and that would positively translate into longer lives of the people residing there.

Paragraph# III:
In contrast to the developing nations, my apprehension when it comes to the developed world is that it may most likely, see slight drop in the life expectancy. I come to this conclusion on the basis that the lives of the westerners i.e., the lives of people in developed areas have become more mechanized and it has resulted in less physical exercises. The problems of stress at the work, the struggle to keep up with the fast paced society and in particular, the food consumption habit have contributed immensely to dent the prospect of longer lives in developed world.

Paragraph# IV:
Hence, in my conclusion, I would restate my opinion that the life expectancy rate in the developed world and in the developing world is likely to move in the opposite directions. That’s why I would expect that people will manage to live few more years in the developing world than they do today and in the developed world, we may just see the reversal of it.

If you need more help on writing task in IELTS, Have a look at here. In our blog, you will find many sample essays relating to ielts writing task 2. The sample essays are suitable for both Academic and General IELTS writing task 2. You can also visit here for more sample essays for IELTS General and Academic Modules. You can find IELTS sample essays for GT Task 1 and 2 & for AT Task 1 and 2 of IELTS Test.

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If you need more help on writing task in IELTS, Have a look at here. In our blog, you will find many sample essays relating to ielts writing task 2. The sample essays are suitable for both Academic and General IELTS writing task 2. You can also visit here for more sample essays for IELTS General and Academic Modules. You can find IELTS sample essays for GT Task 1 and 2 & for AT Task 1 and 2 of IELTS Test.

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